How do I generate a Machine ID in Ninja Trader?

Learn how to generate your Machine ID so we can activate Ninja Trading Bot tools to run in your NinjaTrader

Step 1: In the Control Center window, click on “Help” and then on “3rd Party Licensing.”

Step 2: On the window that will open, you should enter “NeoTraderBot” in the “Vendor name” field and your email in the “User defined ID” field.

If there’s an error due to special characters, enter your full name without spaces or accents instead. Then, click on “Submit.”

A Machine ID key will be generated. You need to copy this key and send it to us using the form below. Make sure to copy the entire key (which will also include the information you entered in the User defined ID field).

Send us your Machine ID before the end of 15-days trial period!

Our tools and products will work without the need to send your Machine ID before the end of the 15-day trial period. After that, activation of the products via the Machine ID is mandatory. 

The activation processing time takes up to 1 business day.

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